Seeking Feedback on Harney County Groundwater Use
Posted on 04.03.23 by Harney SWCD

The Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) is starting the process to update its rules relating to use of groundwater in the Malheur Lake Basin. This is also known as “Division 512 Rulemaking”. OWRD invites interested persons in this area to serve on the Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) to provide input and advice on groundwater rules before they are finalized.
The RAC also helps OWRD better understand impacts of proposed rule changes. RAC members are selected by OWRD to represent a diversity of expertise, skill sets, and viewpoints. We are seeking 25-30 members and will notify those selected to serve before the first meeting takes place in Burns on April 25. Additional meeting details will be arranged once a RAC has been selected.
People interested in serving on the RAC can reach out to Water Policy Analyst Kelly Meinz by either emailing or calling (971) 718-7087. The deadline for committee nominations is April 7.
These RAC meetings are also open for the public to attend.
Rulemaking Purpose
Division 512 governs groundwater use in the in Malheur Lake Basin which includes the Harney Basin. According to statute, OWRD is to hold a RAC one year after the U.S Geological Study Harney Basin Groundwater study is published to explore whether there needs to be an updates or changes to the rules (OAR 690-512-0020(12)). The study was published in April of 2022, so the RAC must be convened in April of 2023. The results of the Groundwater Study indicate that corrective actions are needed to stabilize groundwater within the basin.
We will share more meeting information/details on our website, using this GovDelivery listserv, using local newspapers and media.
Opportunities To Engage
There are a few ways to participate in the development of Division 512 rules and ask questions about this rulemaking.
- Serving on the RAC or attending meeting and participating in public comment.
- Participating in the public comment period once the rules are drafted to submit written or verbal feedback. Public hearings for this rulemaking will take place in Burns.
More Information
For more information on this rulemaking, please visit the rulemaking page on our website.
Sign Up To Receive Updates
To receive updates on this rulemaking, and other rulemakings OWRD is working on, please sign up here.
Please reach out to OWRD’s Water Policy Analyst, Kelly Meinz, at or (971) 718-7087.